Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 53 - New Freemium Bonus Release: Super Affiliate Marketing eBook - John Divramis Internet Business Blog

New Freemium Bonus Release: Super Affiliate Marketing eBook

Hello everybody! l just released my first new freemium book: Super Affiliate Marketing. It is a great free e-book that l just wrote and edited in PDF format. It is very handy and helpful because it up to date with what is working now at the affiliate marketing business world wide!

Also it covers topics and answer questions about internet marketing and home business industry. l think the trend is to build your own business and work from home. It is a world-wide trend and many people are inserting into the magic world of super affiliate marketing every day. This magic world is full of challenges and opportunities for every newcomer. My e-book will help every new or more advanced internet marketer to thrive and shine like a star!

It is said that in the next two years 2 million new jobs will be created in the internet industry. The biggest per cent of them it will be new business and only the 30% of them will survive in the first three years. If you want to super accelerate your success and to gain fast practical knowledge, then Super Affiliate Marketing eBook is for you!

Why l wrote this book

l had a dream to be an author for my early age of 10.  Later in life l found that l liked business and competition so l studied Business, Finance and Marketing in London. From the first time l went there l understood how difficult for a young person is to find a job that he loves and thrive.

l was helpless when l started with affiliate marketing, and l was working 19 hours only to figure out that what l was doing was not working and l had to try something new.

In this book l write a practical guide about how to succeed in affiliate marketing without losing time and money. This guide is so real that if you do what it exactly says, then in only 30 days or less you will have built strong pillars for your online affiliate business.

Why you desperately need it

When you start there are many thousand of people in the internet the so-called guru’s and they will fall upon you to eat you alive.

They simply want to make money with you and if you are careless you are going to lose thousands of dollars trying to make any money if ever!

How do l know that?

Because, l have been there!

l still answer to telephones and emails from gurus. My question to them was how do l make money online? Do you want to know their answers for real?

The first person l talked to Skype with, asked me $15.000 to teach me the tricks! The second was more sensible, while the bill was as low as $1.650! The third wanted only $4.000!

If you have found yourself in a difficult position and call a person back to help you, your mentor, for instance did he told you about the auto magical up sell super-duper program that costs only $997 and will do everything for you?

Why is it free?

l have also a premium version of this eBook that soon will be released with Kindle Amazon. This is just a freemium.

The reason l give away this eBook is double.

First because l love affiliate marketing and l want to spread it all over the world and second because l love people and want to help them succeed and don’t undergo the same difficulties l faced on the beginning.

What to do with this eBook?

This eBook is separated in 5 parts. Every part is a bit more difficult form the previous one. You should scan read every part and go to the links and resources and learn more about every topic the book covers. It is not a one day process, you would need at least five days or more.

Keep always a note-book and write down notes about the sites you are visiting. This book is just a fats track guide to affiliate marketing and you will find what you need to start.

l also offer many free resources that will help you start your own affiliate business online and go beyond and be something. Don’t be just another affiliate little marketer. make the difference starting today!

Where can l take it?

You can take the free Super Affiliate Marketing eBook here!

To your Success,


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