Very awesome question! Nice. You actually need a blog, because it is your personal branding weapon and your personal social media nerve center, something like the brain for the humans. If you are a professional or you are not a professional but you want to make some serious money on the internet, then you need a blog. However, you still can survive and make money without having any personal blogs. There are many marketing programs on the internet that can help you succeed online without having any website or blog.
Some if these succesful online marketing programs that l personaly use and l recommend to you are the following:
1. Empower Network
2. MyLeadSystemPro
3. Coffee Millionaire Program
All of them are very easy to use and it can be utilised from everyone even he is a novice or doesn't know anything about the programming or technical staff. Great marketing programs and very value for money!
As soon as you are getting familiar with the online marketing and the social media community and you really want to take your company to the next level, then you just have to upgrade your skills, to learn new thinks and yes, to dare to succeed online!
So if you are really in thsi position and you don't know what to do in order to publish your fisrt website blog, then here is a small step guide.
Steps to start your own blog:
1 First buy your own domain name and hosting, at go daddy. Choose a .com or .net domain name that is simple and use to use. Then choose a Linux hosting plan. A Linux hosting plan operates better with the wordpress blogging system we are going to use next.
2. Set up your wordpress blogging system on your hosting account.
3. Start blogging!
Sounds easy? Yes it is. It is easy if you know how to do it. Unless you need to acquire some technical skills plus some vital blogging skills you need to have. You know quality brings quantity and to have quality we need quantity! and so forth!
How can someone aquire some blogging and some technical skills easy and with low cost?
The answer is simple, thought the empower network! That is the reason they called empower network, because it is about coaching, mentoring, empowering people to make a shift in their lives.
So, how can l get started with the empower network? Just click on the link below to get started now!
Get in and start blogging! Take the 100 day blogging challenge marathon like me!
P.S. l hope you made a wise choice, so you can join me on the beaches of the world!
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