Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 3- Ask and is given | John Ioannis Divramis Wealth Creation Virtual Marketing

How are you today? Greece has almost 40 degrees celsius, that is equal to 104 F, it was very hot day with many people wanted to go to the beach, but they couldn’t. That’s a pity because Greece has so many nice beaches, as it has 15.000km of coastline, the time that France which is five times the size of Greece, has only 3.000km!

l had the pleasure to go to the beach today, and it was almost empty! l say almost because there were a few people there, that found the opportunity to go for a swim. l thought, that there were a few that can live their lives, as they want. Actually what is the meaning of success? To do whatever you want in life. But there are thousands of them that weren't in the beach. They were working, the delivery guy was still delivering pizzas under the sun, to keep them hot! l noticed him around having a hard time.

Same people, different reality. What kind of reality you prefer? Definitely the beach reality, the rest and the live the life reality. However, why some people have a good reality, while the other are struggling to make their living? Do they want to be broke? Absolutely not, so why they do not do something with their lives?

Today l was scanreading the book Ask and is Given. It is a great book and you can borrow my copy for free by clicking here. Ask and It is Given (The Teachings of Abraham) - Esther and Jerry Hicks l have read it many times till now and l was thinking why all the people are not doing the same. At chapter three, the author says that we create our own reality. If it is so simple to create our own reality, then why not to proclaim it, manifest it or else ask for what we want in life and then it will be given to us?

And then l realised that every one had asked for something in his life, so he got what he was expecting for...Amazing. Beware of what you are asking in life. Do not be afraid to ask for more. We live in an abundant universe. Universe has everything you need. Just ask it! Go for it! The Law of Attraction, the Most Powerful Law in the Universe will bring what you think most to you. Here are three steps to whatever you want to be, do or have:

The Three Steps to Whatever You Want to Be, Do, or Have:

• Every Subject Is Two Subjects: Wanted and Not Wanted
• Your Attention Must Be on It, Not on the Lack of It
• Now You Hold the Key to Creating Your Every Desire
Every step is very powerful, and we are making our future by proclaiming it.  Just stop for a minute and think. What you really want in life? Not what you don't want, but what you want and then think of it as you already have it. How do you feel? How do you feel now that you have friends? How do you feel now that you have success? How do you feel now that you have love in your life? How do you feel now that you have wealth? How do you feel to be wanted?
That inner emotions of success made me to want more in my life. Do you want more in your life? 

See you on Day 4.

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